Services > Specialized Services > Interviews and Interrogations |
NIS Ltd. President Robert Loncaric has implemented into the NIS Ltd. investigative protocol, a standardized and comprehensive interview procedure. All NIS Ltd. staff receive specialized and intensive training in the techniques and tactics pertaining to interviews and interrogations. Prior to conducting any interview, a thorough review of all relevant information is conducted. The interviewer considers all pertinent issues and has a pre-interview background profile provided to him or her prior to the interview or interrogation. A thorough tactical plan of execution, anticipating the possible flow of the interview or interrogation, is systematically designed with the purposes of detecting any false or misleading statements, or inconsistencies. A properly trained investigator conducting such an interview will be able to conduct such interview in the best interests of his or her client, being fully aware of the opportunities which may arise during the course of the interview. NIS Ltd. interviews and interrogations are available in videotaped format, written and signed statements, or in general summary with notes.
NIS Ltd. President Robert Loncaric has personally conducted hundreds of interviews and interrogations around the world, with exceptional results. Often, a properly conducted interview may prove to be as vital as surveillance evidence, as grounds for denial of insurance benefits may arise during the conduct of such an interview or interrogation. Mr. Loncaric's expertise in the conduct of interviews and interrogations has been recognized by the insurance and legal industries. Of particular note was a videotaped interrogation conducted by Mr. Loncaric, which proved to be of vital and primary significance in a homicide trial in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Mr. Loncaric has also conducted interviews and interrogations on behalf of government agencies, including the obtaining of witness statements in foreign countries.
